Mariano Mauro SARTORIS ▷New Director Appointed to Ministry of Human Capital: Boosting Efficiency and Structure

 Exciting News Alert! 🚀 Dive into the latest appointment at the Ministry of Human Capital. Meet Dr. Mariano Mauro SARTORIS, the new Director of Territorial Administrative Management, as the Ministry gears up for enhanced efficiency and structure. Click to learn more about this exciting development!

New Director Appointed at Ministry of Human Capital

Ministry of Human Capital, Dr. Mariano Mauro SARTORIS, Territorial Administrative Management, Government Appointments, Administrative Efficiency,

In a recent decision, the Ministry of Human Capital has announced the appointment of Dr. Mariano Mauro SARTORIS as the Director of Territorial Administrative Management. This decision marks a significant step in the ministry's efforts to enhance its administrative capabilities and strengthen its organizational structure.


The appointment, made under Decision Administrative 271/2024, comes in light of the Ministry's ongoing efforts to streamline its operations and optimize its workforce. Dr. SARTORIS, with his extensive experience and expertise in administrative management, is expected to play a crucial role in this endeavor.

Key Points

Ministry Restructuring: The appointment follows a series of restructuring initiatives undertaken by the Ministry, aimed at aligning its operations with the provisions of the General Budget of the National Administration.

Legal Framework: The decision to appoint Dr. SARTORIS is in accordance with the legal framework outlined in various decrees and administrative decisions, including Decree No. 355/17 and Decision Administrative No. 1662/20.

Temporary Appointment: Dr. SARTORIS's appointment is temporary, effective from March 1, 2024, for a period of one hundred and eighty working days. During this time, he will oversee the administrative management of the Territorial Department within the Ministry.


Enhanced Efficiency: With Dr. SARTORIS at the helm of Territorial Administrative Management, the Ministry is poised to enhance its operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Resource Allocation: The Ministry assures that the appointment does not entail any extraordinary resource allocation, underscoring its commitment to prudent financial management.

Next Steps

Selection Process: Following the temporary appointment, the Ministry will initiate the selection process for the permanent filling of the Director position, in accordance with the established criteria and selection procedures.

Budget Allocation: The expenditure associated with the implementation of the decision will be met from the specific budgetary allocations earmarked for the Ministry of Human Capital.


The appointment of Dr. Mariano Mauro SARTORIS as the Director of Territorial Administrative Management underscores the Ministry's commitment to strengthening its administrative capacities and optimizing its organizational structure. As the Ministry continues its efforts to enhance efficiency and effectiveness, Dr. SARTORIS's appointment marks a significant step forward in achieving these objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Dr. Mariano Mauro SARTORIS?

Dr. Mariano Mauro SARTORIS is the newly appointed Director of Territorial Administrative Management at the Ministry of Human Capital. With a background in administrative management, Dr. SARTORIS brings extensive expertise to his new role.

What is the significance of this appointment?

This appointment signifies the Ministry's commitment to enhancing its administrative capabilities and strengthening its organizational structure. Dr. SARTORIS's leadership is expected to contribute to improved efficiency and effectiveness within the Ministry.

How long will Dr. SARTORIS serve in this position?

Dr. SARTORIS's appointment is temporary, effective from March 1, 2024, for a period of one hundred and eighty working days. During this time, he will oversee the administrative management of the Territorial Department within the Ministry.

What are the next steps after Dr. SARTORIS's temporary appointment?

Following the temporary appointment, the Ministry will initiate the selection process for the permanent filling of the Director position, in accordance with established criteria and selection procedures.

How will the Ministry fund the implementation of this decision?

The expenditure associated with the implementation of the decision will be met from specific budgetary allocations earmarked for the Ministry of Human Capital, ensuring responsible financial management.

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